Friday, November 11, 2011

The month of Thanks

It's very natural for each of us to think about the things we are greatful for this time of year. I am one of those. However, for the past several months I have been full of gratitude and have been reminded of how incredibly blessed I am. The most obvious blessing are my wonderful husband, beautiful daughters, family (both my immediate family and in-laws). I have a beautiful home. My family is healthy. We are happy. However, today I thought of an additional blessing that we all have, we just don't know it, or pay attention. Personal revelation. Some may call it instinct or vision, however you refer to it, to me it's all the same. What I receive personal revelation about is usually personal and some people won't understand so it's not worth sharing, but I am very greatful that I have that gift. My family is usually the focus of those. They are what I care most about. Many people focus on education, jobs, friends, personal life. None of that is bad. Sometimes I wish I had more friends, but then my sweet Madison randomly yells "Mom, I love you" from across the room and I remember that she's one of my friends. I sometimes think I wish I had a job and then after I am done nursing Mallory and she falls asleep in my arms, or gives me the biggest, sweetest smile while I'm changing her diaper reminds me that I LOVE my job, as a mom. I'm not rich, but when it comes to staying at home with my girls there's nothing I'd rather do.
I try to keep this on my mind, but until my 'Things to complain about' list is longer than my 'Things to be thankful for' list, I have to be thankful and not complain!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post. Love you Megan, and so proud of you and your family. I love having you apart of our "crazy" Dixon family, and I can't imagine a life without you in it!
